While only {@codeblock} & {@inlineCodeblock} inline tags works in Markdown files, you can also use them as block tags (@codeblock & @inlineCodeblock, without curly braces) in your Typedoc comments.


From ./packages/plugin-code-blocks/__tests__/mock-fs/simple/src/codeblock/block.ts#1~8

* A test code block for relative path from file
* @codeblock ./src-test.json
export class TestBlockRel{}

If you're using eslint-plugin-jsdoc, you might need to customize the check-tag-names rule like so:

From ./packages/plugin-code-blocks/.eslintrc.js#8~12

    rules: {
'jsdoc/check-tag-names': [ 'error', { definedTags: [ 'codeblock', 'inlineCodeblock' ] } ],

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