Menus & pages

There are 2 kinds of pages nodes you can create: menu nodes & page nodes. The only difference between the 2 is that page nodes have a source.

Menu, as they are not pages, are only created in your navigation sidebar, to group pages together.

Organizing page trees

By default, pages with children are renamed to {source-without-extensions}/index.html in the output, and children are looked up from the {source-without-extensions} directory.

Single package


Assuming you have the following configuration:

From ./packages/plugin-pages/__tests__/mock-fs/simple/typedoc.js

/** @type {import('../../../src').IPluginOptions} */
module.exports = {
entryPoints: [
skipErrorChecking: true,
pluginPages: {
pages: [
{ name: 'Getting started', source: '', children: [
{ name: 'Configuration', source: '' },
{ name: 'Another page', source: '' },
] },
{ name: 'Additional resources', childrenDir: 'additional-resources', children: [
{ name: 'Some cool docs', source: '' },
] },

Here is your input/output tree:

  • Getting started: pages/getting-started.mdpages/getting-started/index.html
    • Configuration: pages/getting-started/configuration.mdpages/getting-started/configuration.html
  • Additional resource (menu only)
    • Some cool docs: pages/additional-resources/some-cool-docs.mdpages/additional-resources/some-cool-docs.html


You can attach pages to monorepo modules (instead of the top-level project) by setting moduleRoot to true, and making sure their name is the name of your module (eg. your package.json name field).


From ./packages/plugin-pages/__tests__/mock-fs/monorepo/typedoc.js

module.exports = {
entryPoints: [
entryPointStrategy: 'packages',
skipErrorChecking: true,
pluginPages: {
pages: [
{ moduleRoot: true, name: 'demo', source: '', children: [
{ name: 'Root doc', source: '', childrenSourceDir: '.', children: [
{ name: 'Root doc child', source: '', output: 'child.html' },
] },
] },
{ moduleRoot: true, name: 'pkg-a', source: '', children: [
{ name: 'Using pkg-a', source: '' },
] },
{ moduleRoot: true, name: 'pkg-b', source: '', children: [
{ name: 'Using pkg-b', source: '', children: [
{ name: 'pkg-b details', source: '' },
] },
] },
logLevel: 'Verbose',

The moduleRoot flag

This flag must be set on all or none of the top-level page/menu. If the moduleRoot is a page, the source is prepended to the module index, pretty much like a README.

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