Defines a page or menu entry. The item is considered as a menu-only if it does not have a source.



children?: IPageNode[]

List of children nodes. Both pages & menu entries can have children.

childrenDir?: string

The default directory in which children are sourced/outputted.
Overriden by childrenSourceDir or childrenOutputDir.


Pages tree for details.

childrenOutputDir?: string

The directory in which children pages are outputted.
If not set, childrenDir is used.
If childrenDir is not set too, the behavior differs if the node is a page or not.


Pages tree for details.

childrenSourceDir?: string

The directory in which children pages are sourced.
If not set, childrenDir is used.
If childrenDir is not set too, the behavior differs if the node is a page or not.


Pages tree for details.

name: LiteralUnion<"VIRTUAL", string>

The name of the page/menu.

If setting moduleRoot to true, the name is used to lookup the module/package/workspace to attach children to. When a source is also provided, the source is prepended to the target module index page.

If set to 'VIRTUAL', the node itself is omitted and children are flattened while cumulating the node's source & output.


Pages tree for details.

output?: string

The output file (for pages only).

source?: string

The source file. The node is a page only if this property is set.

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